Building Community This Fall

As school begins, albeit virtually for many, and as the days grow cooler, we begin to shift away from the lazy days of outdoor living to a new way of doing things.  

Although the coronavirus is still around and limiting how we interact, it doesn’t mean we have to do it alone. Here are some ways The Associated: Jewish Federation of Baltimore and its network of agencies are helping you find your community. 


Get Advice for Your Child’s Educational Needs 

This back-to-school season is unlike all others, and many parents are worried about their children’s education. Thankfully, SHEMESH, which offers support for children with learning differences, has introduced a new hotline. Call 410-843-7589 to speak to professionals on everything from how to make your child feel less anxious to how to support your developing reader at home.

SHEMESH also invites parents to participate in CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), a monthly support group. 

Learn more at


Join a Support Group 

When times are difficult, we crave the companionship and comfort of our community. Jewish Community Services (JCS) offers a series of virtual support groups to help individuals who are struggling connect with others to talk about their shared experiences. Currently, offerings include grief support groups, as well as a dementia caregivers support group, low vision support group and Parkinson’s disease support group.  

Go to or call 410-466-9200 to learn more. 


Escape with Arts and Culture 

Love arts and culture? Join a virtual painting class at the Myerberg and discover your inner talent while making new friends. Participate in the JCC’s Virtual Author Series for a conversation with Ken Follett, Natan Sharansky and more. Or, if you prefer a little Jewish history, visit the Jewish Museum of Maryland’s newest exhibit, Jews in Space

Check out rare 18th and 19th century rabbinic tomes on astronomy, the dreidel that the first Jewish American astronaut Jeffrey Hoffman took in space, science fiction memorabilia and more. 


Connect to Other New Parents  

Although many of the traditional Mommy and Me programs may be on hold, the Macks Center for Jewish Education is offering Baby Talk. Join other parents with new Jewish babies (0-6 months old) on Zoom for facilitated conversations, support, community building and a chance to make new friends. 


Build Your Professional Community 

Even though we may not be out and about, The Associated offers many opportunities to build your professional network and participate in topical discussions related to your line of work. 

Check out our many affinity groups – Real Estate Industry Group, Maimonides for healthcare professionals, Jewish Professional Women, Cardoza Society for legal professionals and more – for industry-related programming. Go to

Learn more about our work and our agencies at

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