Are You Ready to Dig Deep? Are You Ready to be a Change Maker?

Little by little, every penny adds up to be a lot of change. This year we CHALLENGE you to GIVE for the FIRST TIME or to GIVE MORE. With your new or additional gift, you will change lives. Our community’s future depends on your generosity. Every penny, nickel, dime and quarter donated to The Associated is used wisely to make a positive impact on the people of Baltimore, Israel and around the world.

  • With your $36 of change, you will provide free Jewish books for young children.
  • With your $75 of change, you will provide counseling and support for adults who are struggling with debilitating depression.
  • With your $180 of change, you will provide winter care packages for the homeless.
  • With your $365 of change, you will provide one week of Jewish summer camp for children with special needs.
  • With your $1,000 of change, you will support engaging, innovative programming that sustains Jewish life on one of five local college campuses.
  • With your $1,800 of change, you will ensure our community’s ongoing safety and security threats and anti-Semitism.

There are two easy ways you can participate in the ‘Make Change’ challenge.

1. Join The Associated credit or debit card round-up program. Each of your daily transactions will be rounded up to the nearest dollar. For example, when you grab a cup of coffee at your local coffee shop for $2.95, at the end of the month $0.05 will appear on your credit card, as a donation to The Associated.

2. Collect your spare and loose change at work and at home. Some families may choose to have everyone empty their pockets into the tzedakah box each night before bedtime. Others pick one day a week, like Shabbat to put change into their pushke before lighting candles. Yet, others have turned it into a game – your home is a treasure trove of loose change. Look underneath sofa cushions, check all your pockets, examine your junk drawers, the bottom of bags, washing machines and dryers and every other nook and cranny of your home.

You can donate your CHANGE multiple ways:

  • Bring your CHANGE to The Associated at 5700 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215.
  • Drop your CHANGE at the Weinberg Park Heights JCC or the Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC.
  • Deposit the money in your checking account and mail a check to The Associated at the address above.
  • Pay by credit card at

Every donation that you make will be doubled by our Corporate Change Makers.


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