One Jewish Baltimore

Beth H. Goldsmith, Chair, The Associated
Myrna Cardin, Chair, The Associated’s Jewish Life Lead Team

As Chairs of The Associated Board and the Jewish Life Lead Team, we are proud to be working alongside our synagogue leaders and clergy to further expand and support a thriving Jewish Baltimore. We know how vital our collaboration is to our Jewish community and to the collective Jewish journey of our individuals and families.

We believe we are stronger together and aim to build on the collaborative relationship that already exists between The Associated and area synagogues by launching One Jewish Baltimore.

Whether you were born in Baltimore and lived here your whole life or recently made Baltimore your home, we want to showcase how our local area synagogues are creating meaningful Jewish experiences and caring for our community. Please take some time to read the stories from our area synagogues.

Interested in learning more? Contact Janna Hindman at

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