My Life-Changing Milestone Mission Trip to Israel

By Lauren Rutkovitz

Discover the transformative experience of traveling to Israel with the Associated’s Milestone Mission trip! Lauren Rutkovitz shares details about her soul-enriching journey from exploring the spiritual city of Jerusalem and Tzfat to forming meaningful connections to fellow travelers. Read on as Lauren details her favorite moments, including a cookout on a Kibbutz and a meaningful conversation with a Kabbalah artist. 

Lauren Rutkovitz with participants on The Associated’s Milestone Mission

I had the privilege of traveling with The Associated’s Milestone Mission trip to Israel, and it was an incredible experience that enriched my soul and strengthened my connection to Israel and the Jewish community. While I had been to Israel before, this was my husband’s first time. We always wanted to go on a group trip to Israel that was planned out for us, so this was a perfect opportunity.

From the very first Milestone Mission group meeting, I knew this was going to be a wonderful journey. The camaraderie and positivity among the group was very uplifting. We visited many places, but my favorite part of the trip was our time in Jerusalem. The connection I felt there was profound and spiritual. I also enjoyed visiting Tzfat, where we had purchased Kabbalah paintings and got to speaking with one of the local artists. It was a pleasant surprise to learn that his wife was from Randallstown, which is the same place we grew up.

One of the most memorable days of the trip was when we visited a vineyard on a Kibbutz and had a cookout. The group cooked and prepared the food together. We all had our own tasks and learned new things from each other. At the end of the day we came together for a shared meal, which was really nice.

What struck me most on this trip was the sense of community and the connections that we made with other couples. It can be challenging to meet new people and make friends as we grow older, but this trip provided a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals. The camaraderie and positivity were life-changing and left a lasting impression on all of us. Since being back in America, we all continue to stay in touch, exchanging Shabbat Shalom texts every Friday and planning to meet up soon.

Steve and Lauren Rutkovitz

This trip had a profound impact on my husband’s perspective. He had previously thought of being a Jewish American as separate from the State of Israel, but after experiencing the Milestone Mission trip, he now sees it as one and the same. Our trip left us feeling connected, spiritual, and more rooted in our Jewish identity. I would highly recommend this trip to anyone looking to deepen their connection to Israel and the Jewish community. We would certainly go again if given the opportunity.

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