Every Legacy Begins with a Dream. What’s Yours?

Some legacies are written on buildings, others are remembered through awards – yours can be handed down from generation to generation. Making an after-lifetime commitment expresses the values instilled in you by your parents and grandparents. A legacy gift ensures that the traditions and Jewish causes that mean so much to you today will be preserved.

Why wait to think about what your legacy will be? Dream big today. LIFE & LEGACY™ is your opportunity to express your passion, purpose and commitment to our future. It’s easy to do, no matter your age, wealth or inclination. In fact, you can be sure that you already know a friend, neighbor or family member that has already made their commitment. Click here for a list of legacy commitments since September 1, 2018.


“My family has been in Baltimore since 1890’s and I feel deeply about the Baltimore Jewish Community.  I recently lost my dad and now view myself taking on the torch.  One thing I learned from my parents is that there is no better lesson to your kids than leading by example. They follow your actions and what better action than this.” – Kenny Friedman


“I grew up in Baltimore and I have been and continue to be a beneficiary of the great work The Associated has done and thought this was a great opportunity to make a legacy gift. I was happy to sign an LOI and make my first after lifetime gift.”– Jackie Yahr


“LIFE & LEGACY is important to me since it will support the survival of organizations such as The Associated and ensure that the Baltimore Jewish community will thrive to the fullest in many more years to come and its important work for future generations will be funded.” – Andrew Razumovsky


The Associated’s charitable planning experts will work with you, your attorney, your accountant, your financial advisor and your family to realize your dreams. The more legacy gifts we secure today, the greater the amount of grant funding we receive from our LIFE & LEGACY ™ initiative partner, the Harold Grinspoon Foundation – up to $100,000 a year.

Contact Donna Kasoff to get started or call 410-369-9256.

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