Conversational Starters for Your Seder

By Rabbi Aaron Levitt, Executive Director, Jewish Educational Services 

Seder Leader Reading from the Haggadah

For thousands of years, wherever the waves of Jewish history have taken us, our People have sat around the table at the Pesach Seder, retelling and reexperiencing the exodus from Egypt. We start with the servitude and recount God’s miracles that brought us to freedom. As we retell this foundational story of our People, we remind ourselves and our children what a privilege it is to be part of the Jewish People and of our responsibility to care for the oppressed wherever they may be. 

The Seder is full of symbols and songs, there to provoke questions and wonder. The Haggadah, Seder Plate, Matzah, Marror, and four cups of wine are tools to connect our past and to ensure that this legacy is passed on for generations to come. As we read through the Haggadah it is an opportunity to pause and reflect on our family history and values and to engage everyone around the table in conversation. Here are some prompts you can use as conversation starters for your Seder to get everyone involved. 


  • Where and when do we experience holiness in our lives? 
  • What do we do to create or capture moments of inspiration in our lives? 


  • What types of situations do we prepare for in our lives and not just wing it? 


  • How does “dipping” into past bitterness help make the present taste sweeter? 
  • Have you ever been through situations that felt bitter at the time but later turned out sweet? 


  • What feels broken or incomplete in our lives? 
  • Where do we feel disconnected? 


  • If you could tell someone the story of overcoming something in your life what would it be? 
  • What messages do we put out there every day without even realizing it? 

Ha Lachma Anya 

  • Do we mind our own business or think of others who are lonely or need help? 
    What hardships did our ancestors experience for us to be here today? 
    What does Freedom mean to us? 
    If you could invite anyone to your Seder who would it be and why? 

Ma Nishtana (Four questions) 

  • What Big Questions do we have in our lives? 
  • How do you feel about change? Does it excite you or make you nervous? 
  • How is this year’s Seder different from the Sedarim of the past? 

Avadim HaYinu 

  • What is the benefit of remembering tough times? 
  • Think back to a tough time in your life and consider how things could have played out differently. 
  • Do we feel slaves to our jobs or do we love what we do? 
  • What else in life makes us feel trapped or stuck? 

Five Rabbis in Bnei Brak 

  • Have you ever gotten so involved in something that you lost track of time? 
  • If you could have an all night DMC (Deep Meaningful Conversation) who would it be with and what would it be about? 

R’ Elazar Ben Azaryah 

  • Have you ever felt older or wiser than your years? 

Baruch HaMakom 

  • What are you thankful to God for? 
  • If you could “bless” Hashem what would you wish? 

The Four Sons 

  • How are your children, your siblings, your students different from one another? 
  • Have you ever experienced personalized customer service? Or the opposite? 
  • How do we ensure that every child feels welcome at the table? 
  • Are the four sons different people or is there a little of each of them in us? 

Yachol MeRosh Chodesh 

  • Timing is everything – Have you ever experienced that in your life? 

Mitchila Ovdei Avodah Zarah 

  • What can we learn from the mistakes of the past? 
  • How would you summarize the journey of your life? Of your family? 

Baruch Shomer Havtachato 

  • Do we trust Hashem to look out for us? 
  • Are we patient and faithful even if it takes a long time? 
  • Do we keep our word to others? 

V’Hi She’Amda 

  • Have we ever personally experienced antisemitism? 
  • What are some other challenges you have overcome in your life? 
  • What has gotten us through tough times as a People? A Family? Individuals? 
  • How do we develop resilience? 

Tzeh U’Lemad 

  • Has assimilation affected our families? 
  • How do we ensure that we do not lose our Jewish identity? 


  • Have we ever doubted whether there is justice only to see it some time later? 
  • What should we feel and think when we witness the downfall of our enemies? 
  • Is there such a thing as miracles nowadays? 
  • How can we see the hand of Hashem in the day to day aspects of our lives? 
  • Would we be brave enough to take that 1st step into the Yam Sug before it split?  
  • When do we feel brave and how do we overcome fear? 


  • Do we ever feel satisfied or are we always hungry for more? 
  • Do we focus only on the destination or also on the journey? 
  • Is there anything in our lives we feel we do not really deserve? 
  • Make a list of the things in your life for which you are grateful  
  • [Ask kids to name one thing that starts with each letter of the alphabet] 

Pesach, Matzah, Marror 

  • Do we ever do things on autopilot without stopping to think why we do them? 
  • What artifacts, heirlooms, or symbols are meaningful to us and why? 

Bechol Dor VaDor 

  • As adults do we forget to tap into our imagination? 
  • What is the power of imagination? 
  • Why is it important to feel a personal connection to our Judaism? 
  • How does taking the perspective of others benefit us? 


  • What would we want to wash away or clean up about ourselves? 

Motzi Matzah 

  • In what ways do we feel rich and in what ways do we feel poor? 
  • If you could overcome laziness in life what could you accomplish? 
  • What artifact would we choose to commemorate a pivotal moment in our lives? 
  • Do we “lean in” to life or just go through the motions? 


  • What hardships have we endured that still leave their mark? 
  • Does thinking about the hard times we have experienced make us feel weak or strong? 
  • What sweetness in our lives helps take the bitter taste away (like Charoset)? 


  • How do we integrate opposing aspects of our personalities? 

Shulchan Orech 

  • Why are certain foods so meaningful? What memories or feelings do they conjure? 
  • What stories, traditions, and recipes are important to our family? 


  • What is something about us that we keep hidden and do not share? 
  • What holds us back from being more vulnerable and open? 
  • What potential do we have inside us that has not yet come out? 
  • What hidden dreams do we hope to achieve? 


  • What blessings do we have in our lives? 
  • What brachot would we like to wish upon others? 

Eliyahu HaNavi 

  • What does Eliyahu HaNavi represent for us? 
  • What doubts and questions do you have waiting for Eliyahu to resolve? 
  • Do we yearn for Mashiach or just focus on the present? 
  • Is it ok to wish vengeance against those who have wronged us? 


  • What are we thankful for in our lives? 
  • If we were given a lifetime achievement award who would we thank in our speech? 
  • Why don’t we actually call those people up to tell them what they have meant to us? 


  • What are our hopes and dreams for the future? 
  • Is Aliyah in our plans? If not, how do we feel the connection to Eretz Yisrael? 

Echad Mi Yodeah and Chad Gadya 

  • Do we ever zoom out and notice the patterns in our lives? 
  • What lessons have we learned that we wish to take with us from this Seder? 

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