By Rabbi Aaron Levitt, Executive Director, Jewish Educational Services
By Rabbi Aaron Levitt, Executive Director, Jewish Educational Services
For thousands of years, wherever the waves of Jewish history have taken us, our People have sat around the table at the Pesach Seder, retelling and reexperiencing the exodus from Egypt. We start with the servitude and recount God’s miracles that brought us to freedom. As we retell this foundational story of our People, we remind ourselves and our children what a privilege it is to be part of the Jewish People and of our responsibility to care for the oppressed wherever they may be.
The Seder is full of symbols and songs, there to provoke questions and wonder. The Haggadah, Seder Plate, Matzah, Marror, and four cups of wine are tools to connect our past and to ensure that this legacy is passed on for generations to come. As we read through the Haggadah it is an opportunity to pause and reflect on our family history and values and to engage everyone around the table in conversation. Here are some prompts you can use as conversation starters for your Seder to get everyone involved.
Ha Lachma Anya
Ma Nishtana (Four questions)
Avadim HaYinu
Five Rabbis in Bnei Brak
R’ Elazar Ben Azaryah
Baruch HaMakom
The Four Sons
Yachol MeRosh Chodesh
Mitchila Ovdei Avodah Zarah
Baruch Shomer Havtachato
V’Hi She’Amda
Tzeh U’Lemad
Pesach, Matzah, Marror
Bechol Dor VaDor
Motzi Matzah
Shulchan Orech
Eliyahu HaNavi
Echad Mi Yodeah and Chad Gadya
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