Chavi Abramson | Fred Walpert Award Winner

Welcome back to Mensches in Cars Getting Coffee, a special series featuring young leaders who are making a big impact in our community. Our very own Yanky Schorr guarantees to deliver funny conversations, an entertaining drive around Baltimore neighborhoods and of course, lots of caffeine.

In this episode, Yanky picks up Chavi Abramson, The Associated’s Fred Walpert Young Leadership Award winner. Riding along in a Mini Cooper Clubman, join Yanky and Chavi for a wide-ranging conversation about her career as a middle school teacher, co-chair of YLC and a board member of Na’aleh, the hub for leadership learning in Jewish Baltimore.

The Fred Walpert Young Leadership Award is an award presented to two growing young leaders based on their involvement and effective leadership within The Associated community. Chavi shares this award with her co-recipient Eugene Poverni.

Congratulations to Chavi and Eugene! Stay tuned for a future episode of Mensches when we get to sit down with Eugene.

Learn more about our other Leadership Awards and the young men and women who have committed their time and support to the growth of Jewish Baltimore.

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