10 Facts about chairman of the Young Adult Division, Jesse Elkin

Jesse Elkin

Baltimore native Jesse Elkin has been involved with The Associated since he was a child. Today, he is the fundraising events chair for the Young Adult Division (YAD). Jesse spearheads YAD’s major fundraising events, from Summer Soiree to our Road Rally to our Generosity Gala this February. Keep reading to find out more about Jesse!

1. If you could pick one person to have Shabbat dinner, who would it be and why?

Viktor Frankl. He was an influential Jewish thinker, psychiatrist, and Holocaust survivor. He’s an incredibly interesting person and has written a few books that are among my favorites.

2. What is your signature dance move?

You have to sign up for the Generosity Gala to find out!

3. Do you have a go to drink of choice?

Bourbon on the rocks.

4. What’s one of the things you look forward to most about YAD’s 2023 Generosity Gala?

It’s been a few years since we’ve had Gala, so I’m looking forward to celebrating in person with everyone.

5. What is something you do to de-stress when you have free time?

Recently, I’ve enjoyed reading to de-stress.

NFL playoff schedule.

7. What is something you wish you could bring back from the past?

I loved playing Nintendo 64 as a kid. I think it would be fun to have one of those again.

8. Who is your biggest role model?

My parents. They’ve played a huge role in shaping me into the person I am today.

9. What does sitting as chair of YAD mean to you personally?

IMPACT/YAD has had a tremendous influence on my relationship and connection with Jewish Baltimore as an adult. My hope is that our work through YAD will have a similar impact on other young Jewish professionals.

10. What is your motto in life?

It’s important to reflect and be grateful for the things you have. I’ve found my relationships with my family and friends to be among the most meaningful things in my life.

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