Meet our Experienced and Dedicated Executive Staff

Andrew Cushnir

Andrew Cushnir
President and Chief Executive Officer

Andrew is a dedicated leader and philanthropist deeply committed to serving the Jewish community. His journey within the Jewish Federation system began as a passionate lay leader and volunteer before he transitioned into the role of Chief Planning and Program Officer at the Jewish Federation of Los Angeles. During this time, Andrew played a crucial role in reshaping the allocation process and fostering a culture of collaboration and partnership. His success in these endeavors led to his next role as the Executive Vice President and Chief Development Officer, where he led all fundraising and planned giving efforts as well as addressed complex community and organizational issues.

Andrew also brings a wealth of experience in financial services law to his role. Prior to joining the Jewish communal sector, he practiced financial services law at Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP, and held positions such as Associate Corporate Counsel and Director of Public Affairs at SunAmerica, Inc.  

Andrew is a graduate of UCLA with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and received his law degree from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law.  

Marc B. Terrill

President Emeritus 

Marc B. Terrill served as President of The Associated for over 20 years, providing vision and practical strategies to enhance community-building, resource development and alliances with strategic partners. His steady hand and resolve led us through challenging times and tremendous growth. Today, Marc continues to be committed to Klal Yisrael [the Jewish community] and is active at The Associated, across Baltimore and beyond. 

Michelle Gordon
Chief of Staff

In this role, Michelle works with the President, senior staff and volunteer leadership on strategic direction, marketing strategy and organizational culture. In addition, Michelle manages the Board of Directors and the Board of Governors, as well as ensures that The Associated is in compliance with all by-laws. 

Ruth Miller
Chief Planning Officer, Community Planning & Allocations

Ruth directs The Associated’s annual allocations process, conducts research and analyzes trends to understand our community’s complex needs and priorities, manages the ongoing relationship between The Associated and its beneficiary agencies and oversees The Associated’s planning agenda to strengthen the Jewish communities in Baltimore Israel, Ukraine and around the world.    

Mark Smolarz
Chief Financial Officer

Mark steers The Associated toward a sound, fiscally-responsible future, which includes the oversight and management of finance, human resources, insurance and risk management.

Carole Taylor
Chief Operating Officer

Carole provides leadership and drives the strategic advancement of the organization, ensuring alignment across multiple key areas including technology, operations, data management, facilities and security. She oversees the development and implementation of innovative solutions, optimizing operational efficiency, and ensuring The Associated has the systems and technology to support our mission and goals.

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