Justin Harvey and Jessica Gorsky
The Associated’s Fred Walpert Young Leadership Award Winners

Spring is in the air – or is that a cup of coffee? Either way, it’s time to say hello to our latest Mensches in our latest episode of Mensches in Cars, Getting Coffee!

Yanky returns to local café Gardens & Grounds Bistro in Northwest Baltimore to discuss everything from Mensches to Manchester. He’s joined this time by Jessica Gorsky and Justin Harvey, both active Associated volunteers, and recipients of this year’s Fred Walpert Young Leadership Award.

Jessica has served as a board member of The Associated’s Young Adult Division since 2019. Throughout her time serving, she has been co-chair of the Couples Committee and the Ben-Gurion Society (BGS). Jessica also serves as an ambassador for The Associated’s Baltimore-Odesa Partnership and is a member of the Israel & Global Managing Council.

Originally from Phoenix, Arizona, Justin and his wife Stacey moved to Baltimore in 2013 and immediately found a home among the Baltimore Jewish community. He sits on the board of Beth El Synagogue, where he also served as the seventh grade Sunday school teacher, as well as the Macks Jewish Connection Network following a stint as a community connector.

The Fred Walpert Young Leadership Award is presented to growing young leaders based on their involvement and effective leadership within The Asociated community. Fred Walpert was a role model and mentor, inspiring colleagues and friends to take an active role in The Associated.

Congratulations to Justin and Jessica!

Learn more about our other Leadership Awards and the young men and women who commit their time and support to the growth of Jewish Baltimore.

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