The needs in our community and beyond our borders grow exponentially every day. Whether it’s a single parent who needs to put a hot meal on the table, a woman who has fled an abusive home, an older adult that feels alone, a child with learning differences who is struggling in school or a young adult looking to start their own Jewish journey, we are here for them. We are here for you.
We take great care with the dollars entrusted to us. We want your donations to count.
Through our Community Planning and Allocations Team (CP&A), we allocate your donations based on a model that brings local, national and international programs together to create the broadest possible safety net — one in which each organization works in its area of expertise, while supporting or enhancing the specialties of the other.
To understand and respond to the ever-changing needs of our community, we study the demographics in Baltimore and our unique Jewish community.
We collaborate very closely on each partner organization’s budget and strategic plan, creating a synergy that results in a more holistic array of services – more than they could offer by operating alone.
Our planning committees rely on more than 400 volunteers as well as our nonprofit professionals and industry experts.
Thanks to donors like you and our dedicated volunteers, we are making a difference in people’s lives every day.
Questions about our allocation process? Contact Mary Haar or call 410-369-9311.
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