PJ Library’s Chanukah Reading List

Compiled by PJ Library and Center for Jewish Education   

With the winter season fast approaching, and extra time spent at home, indoors. What is a kid to do? Spend time reading together as a family this Chanukah.  
Check out some of the favorite PJ Library books for Chanukah. For a more extensive list of PJ Library recommendations please see their book list pjlibrary.org/hanukkah

Antlers with Candles by Chris Barash  

Ages 3-4  

Even if children are too young to understand the history and details of Chanukkah, they are never too young to share in the joy of family, special foods, symbols and singing. Everything looks new when seen from a child’s perspective, including menorahs, dreidels and latkes. And, family togetherness is something everyone understands. 

Elmo’s Little Dreidle by Naomi Kleinberg 

Ages 2-3 

Elmo’s celebrating Hanukkah at his friend’s house where he learns about Hanukkah traditions like lighting the menorah. After dinner, everyone gathers to play dreidel, but Elmo doesn’t know how. Young children will love learning how to play dreidel along with Elmo, and if they’re anything like my kids, they’ll be beating the adults in no time! 

Biscuit’s Hanukkah by Alyssa Satin Capucilli 

Ages 2-3 

Chanukkah is all about sharing fun, food, and festivity with family and friends — even your furry ones. Right, Biscuit? 

Light the Menorah by Jannie Ho  

Ages 2-4 

Everyone remembers being told, “You’re too young to light the menorah, maybe next year.” Now even the littlest family members can light the menorah thanks to pull-tabs that illuminate the candles on each page. I plan to give all  my nieces their own copy so they have their own menorah to light. 

Hanukkah Haiku by Harriet Ziefert 

Ages 2 to 3 

The traditional Japanese poetic form, coupled with stepped illustrations, make a lovely way to celebrate the Festival of Lights. 

Ages 2 to 3 

From the warm glow of holiday candles to the fun of family gatherings, dinosaurs love to celebrate the Festival of Lights. Sometimes the excitement of Chanukah can lead to some unexpected dinosaur behaviors! 

Latke, the Lucky Dog by Ellen Fischer 

Ages 4-5 

Latke the dog has just joined a new family — on the first night of Chanukkah! He’s lucky — but it turns out he has to learn a few things in his new home. Will he be lucky enough to still be with the family by the eighth night of Chanukkah? 

All-of-a-Kind Family Hanukkah by Emily Jenkins 

Ages 5-6 

Remember the characters from the classic All-of-a-Kind series? They’re back in this sweet picture book. Rejoin Ella, Henny, Sarah, Charlotte and especially Gertie as this loving Lower East Side family prepares for a Chanukkah feast. 

Hanukkah Bear by Eric Kimmel 

Ages 5-6 

Bubba Brayna has invited the rabbi to join her in a lovely Chanukkah dinner! But Bubba Brayna is very old, and she doesn’t see very well. When a guest arrives at her door, she thinks it’s the rabbi…but it’s not. And this guest is hungry! 

A Hanukkah With Mazel by Joel Stein 

Ages 5-6 

Poor Misha! He spends Chanukkah all by his lonesome. That is until Mazel, a hungry barn cat, strolls into his life. Misha may not have enough money to light Chanukkah candles, but with a little luck — or Mazel! — he can use his art to bring some light to the holiday. 

Sadie’s Almost Marvelous Menorah by Jamie Korngold 

Ages 4-6 

Sadie is so proud of the menorah she made — she can’t wait to show it to her mother! But, uh-oh — in her haste, something terrible happens. How will Sadie be able to enjoy Chanukkah now.

Queen of the Hanukkah Dosas by Pamela Ehrenberg 

Ages 5-6  

Sadie’s family has both Jewish and Indian background, so at Chanukkah they eat dosas, traditional Indian pancakes. But they get locked out just before their Chanukkah party! Who will save the day? 

The Story of Chanukah by David Adler  

Ages 4-6 

Between the cooking and shopping and celebrating, even grown-ups may need to be reminded of how the Maccabees defeated the vast Syrian army who occupied the Jews’ Temple and the miracle of the single jar of oil which kept the Temple’s Eternal Light illuminated for eight days. Jill Weber’s vibrant paintings and David Adler’s engaging narrative make the story come alive for readers young and old. 

Hanukkah Cookies With Sprinkles by David A. Adler 

Ages 6-7 

Sara and her family are getting ready for Hanukkah — which means delicious foods, including cookies! But then she notices one man who doesn’t seem to eat much at all, let alone Hanukkah treats. Sara decides to try and help.  

Jeremy’s Dreidel by Ellie Gelman 

Ages 6-7 

At a dreidel-making workshop, Jeremy’s friends think he’s molding a secret code on his clay dreidel. But he’s really making a special gift for his father, who is blind. How will he get his friends to appreciate his special dreidel? 

Nathan Blows Out the Hanukkah Candles by Tami Lehman-Wilzig with Nicole Katzman 

Ages 6-8 

Ruthie is walking through the woods to spend Chanukkah at Grandmother’s house, carrying sour cream and applesauce. When a hungry wolf crosses her path, Ruthie has to think quickly!  

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