Update on the COVID-19 Relief Campaign

As the pandemic continues, a growing number of people in our community are becoming newly vulnerable. Due to continued economic uncertainty, our community is facing increased need for job training and placement, mental health support and emergency financial assistance. There is a rise in the number of trauma and abuse victims seeking emergency help because they are trapped at home with their abuser. We will continue to strive to meet the needs of all those to turn to us for help, so we are asking our community to consider a donation to the COVID-19 Relief Fund. In addition to your annual gift, you can direct your support to one of two areas:


Health and Services

Your support of this area will provide financial resources for monthly bills, technology assistance and virtual classes for older adults, relocation and emotional support for trauma and abuse victims and more.

Did you know, since April, 2,440 boxes of bread, produce, pantry staples and other essentials have been delivered to low-income older adults through CHAI’s new Mobile Food Pantry and the new community helpline, managed by Jewish Community Services, responded to more than 1,000 calls for help with COVID-19 related needs such as financial assistance and mental health services?


Jewish Life

Your support of this area will provide scholarships for children attending Jewish educational programs that provide a supplement to virtual learning and/or an opportunity for children to learn in person. You will ensure that the Jewish identities of our children continue to be nourished during the pandemic.

Did you know, this summer, the JCC and Pearlstone provided fun outdoor summer programming for children that followed CDC and state guidelines to ensure camper and staff safety?

For the past 100 years, The Associated, alongside our family of supportive agencies, has been the cornerstone of building a dynamic community that cares for one another and inspires our neighbors to work together to create a world of good. Please join us.

Donate now. To recommend a grant from your donor advised fund, please use DonorSphere.

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