Five Ways to De-stress During Coronavirus

Since the coronavirus epidemic began, uncertainty and fear have become part of our daily lives. For many, these stresses ebb and flow as we try to navigate our new normal.

For some, it’s the stress of homeschooling a child while trying to work. For others, living alone, isolated and worried about one’s health, is causing fear and anxiety.

Now more than ever it’s important for us to take care of ourselves by making our mental and physical health a priority. Step away from the news. Take a personal time-out from our new routines to nourish our souls.

How do we find our Zen? A time-out to rewind and re-energize?

Here are a few virtual ideas from Associated agencies that might make you feel more grounded and less anxious.


Calm your mind during these stressful times with these meditation routines from JCC’s Director of Fitness Justin Dominick.

And meditation doesn’t have to only be for adults. Justin shares a peaceful nighttime routine to transition your child into bedtime.


Schmooze with Pearlstone’s Farm Animals

If you are feeling “cooped up,” enjoy a virtual visit with the goats and chickens at Pearlstone. David Ben Yehuda, Pearlstone’s Chief Goat Correspondent will be your host and facilitate your visit.  Available on Zoom, WebEx, Facetime, Google Hangouts and more. Learn more.


Pick Up a Great Book

Reading can take you to new places, inspire you with heroic journeys and help you find spiritual meaning in life. Jessica Fink, librarian at the Macks Center for Jewish Education, suggests these inspiring stories:

  • The Light After the War: A Novel by Anita Abriel. Based on the life of the author’s mother, this is a story about friendship and survival which reveals the power of resiliency, even after the most difficult struggles.
  • Faster: How a Jewish River, an American Heiress and a Legendary Car Beat Hitler’s Best by Neal Bascomb. The heroic story of Rene Dreyfus, the Jewish French driver who raced automobiles and became the Champion of France in 1938.
  • Incredible! From the Bronx to Beni Brak: The amazing true story of Rabbi Yossi Wallis by Rabbi Nachman Seltzer. From the leader of the Bronx’s first all-Jewish gang, to a stint in the Israeli air force to an unexpected discovery of his heritage, to CEO of Arachim, the global kiruv organization, this book reads like a thriller and an inspriring spiritual journey.
  • House on Endless Waters: A Novel by Emuno Elon. Israeli author Emuno Elon takes us on a journey of family mystery and wartime drama in Amsterdam. It’s a story of identity, belonging and survival.
  • Positive Judaism by Rabbi Darren Levine. Rabbi Levine blends the wisdom of Judaism and focuses on strengthening well-being.


Try Your Hand at Zentangling

It has become an international sensation. Renowned for alleviating stress, zentangling includes ritual and mirrors the symbols, designs and patterns of numerous cultures. This is a relaxing way to create structured patterns that result in beautiful designs.

So grab a cup of coffee or tea and find a nice, sunny spot in your home. Let your imagination take hold. The Myerberg shares tips, projects and more at


Cook Something Fresh from the Garden

Now that we are home, it’s the perfect time to try those recipes you’ve been meaning to make, but just haven’t had the time, after a long day at the office. Cooking (and baking) allows us to exercise our creativity, stimulates our brains and appeals to our senses.  

Pearlstone’s culinary staff offers virtual cooking classes and cooking videos to get you inspired. In the meantime, enjoy one of their favorites, a Portabello/Spinach Quiche recipe that is perfect for taking advantage of spring’s bounties.

Portabello/Spinach Quiche

  • 1 frozen pie crust
  • 1 large Portobello mushroom, sliced and sautéed
  • 10 oz. fresh spinach, blanched and thoroughly pressed to extract moisture
  • ½ cup grated Swiss cheese
  • 1 pint fat-free half and half
  • 10 eggs
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • ½ tsp. pepper

Mix together. Pour into pie shell. Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 40 minutes or until set and golden brown.

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