As we prepare to usher in the New Year and gather with our families for festive meals, let us also take time to reflect on our shared traditions and find creative ways to celebrate. We’ve provided a list of resources to deepen your spiritual journey and strengthen your connection to our community. Explore everything from service schedules to educational materials and ways to engage with Jewish traditions.
Whether you’re looking for inspiration or practical guidance, you’ll find the tools you need for a meaningful High Holiday experience right here.
List Compiled by Jewish Grandparents Network
Among the most potent and memorable rituals of Rosh Hashanah is Tashlich (Hebrew for ‘cast off’), where we symbolically cast off our sins by tossing bread or rice into a body of water to be carried off by the current. If you live near a lake, stream, or river, or are fortunate to live close to the ocean, place some stale bread, crackers, or cereal in plastic containers and go for a wonderful outing with family members. If a body of water isn’t available, Kveller offers some wonderful alternatives.
Each Yom Kippur we observe Yizkor (to remember) and light a Yahrtzeit candle for loved ones who have passed away. It is a moment of deep spiritual connection and an opportunity to remember personal losses but this year, as we commemorate the anniversary of October 7, many are adding the names of those lost as a result of the attacks one year ago. Visit here for more information and the Yizkor prayers.
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