Endowment Funds

With a little planning, you can make the gift of a lifetime. Our charitable planning experts will work with you, your attorney, your accountant, your financial advisor and your family to realize the impact of your philanthropy.

Endowment Funds enable you to plan your legacy and make a gift that will have a lasting impact. There are several options available to you:

Unrestricted Endowments give The Associated the greatest flexibility to address new and emerging needs in the community and be responsive to challenges facing the Jewish community as they arise.

Annual Campaign Endowment (ACE) fund is a permanent fund dedicated to endowing your gift to The Associated’s Annual Campaign. It is a lasting legacy that will continue to make an annual gift to the campaign in your name in perpetuity.

Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE) fund is a specific Annual Campaign Endowment that allows women to endow their gift of $6,000 or more.

Area of Interest Endowments allows you to designate a particular interest and assure that resources will be available to support causes important to you, such as programs in Israel, Jewish education, care for the elderly or other interests.

There are various ways to create endowments, many of which do not have to be funded during a donor’s lifetime including, but not limited to:

  • Bequest
  • Retirement Plan Designation
  • Charitable Gift Annuity
  • Life Insurance Policy
  • Bonds
  • Cash

No matter your age, wealth or circumstances, leaving an endowment to The Associated and its agencies is easy to do.

  1. Learn more about your options.
  2. Fill out a Letter of Intent form.

By taking these steps, you’ll make a lasting difference for future generations.

Ready to start the conversation? Contact Itael Toibman, Director of Endowment, at 410-369-9240 or email itoibman@associated.org today to learn how you can make a difference.

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