To The Engelhart Family,
Giving Back is Essential

The Engelhart family

Although Donni Engelhart and Liz Shrier are non-natives of Baltimore, Donni is from Chicago and Liz is from Los Angeles, “Baltimore has become our home with the incredible community of friends we have made; we are thrilled to be living here and raising our family here,” say Donni and Liz.

Donni is Managing Director at Tucker & Meltzer, a Baltimore-based business valuation firm, and Liz is a Middle School Teacher and Advisor at Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School. Donni has found ways to use his financial and analytical acumen to help The Associated, serving on the Finance Committee, one of the Jewish Life Managing Councils through Community Planning and Allocations, and the Planned Giving Round Table.

Ten years ago, Donni and Liz established a donor advised fund (DAF) with The Associated. At the time, they took advantage of the opportunity extended to young donors to establish a DAF and contribute to it over a 5-year period to meet the minimum $10,000 requirement. Opening a DAF was consistent with their focused long-term view of their philanthropy – blending the systematic approach as befits Donni’s financial analyst profession with Liz’s philosophy as a Baltimore City Teach for America alumna. “We established a donor advised fund to marry our charitable giving with investing and saving – our fund grows and allows us to make a greater impact on the issues we care about, and do so in a tax-efficient manner,” says Donni. “We can add to the fund at any time based on tax objectives, while affording us the time to carefully consider and direct our charitable funds to the causes that matter the most to us.”

The Engelhart family

A DAF is a charitable giving vehicle created by an individual or family with an initial gift of $10,000 or more. It offers an immediate tax benefit and allows you to make grants over time to nonprofit organizations of your choosing. DAFs can be a sensible alternative to private foundations, providing flexible giving strategies with minimal overhead for you as a donor. When you make your irrevocable gift to your DAF, the assets in your fund are invested in one of The Associated’s investment options. Then, you can recommend grants from your DAF to your favorite 501(c)(3) charities, provided that the use of the grant does not conflict with the mission of The Associated. A DAF also allows you to continue your legacy of giving by naming your children or grandchildren as your successor to recommend grants to charitable organizations.

Liz and Donni have four children – three boys and one girl. “We teach our children that charity and giving back are essential Jewish mandates and values, and hope that the fund will give them an opportunity when they are older to make giving decisions,” says Liz.

A donor advised fund is the perfect vehicle to encourage philanthropy for the next generation. When children are younger, small gestures like discussing your family’s giving at the dinner table or allotting small sums for each child to allocate on their own instill the Jewish values that Donni and Liz are modeling for their children. As children get older, naming them as successor donor advisors or current donor advisors are options for continuing a legacy of family philanthropy. Not only will their legacy live on through those who follow; the fund can also be used to endow one’s generosity forever.

To learn more about how philanthropy can be more of a family affair, contact Jackie Yahr at 410-369-9248 or

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