Reconnecting with Israel:
Ethan Harrison’s Story

Ethan Harrison with family

I didn’t immediately recognize what October 7th was. When I woke up that morning, I had a couple of new alerts on my phone and my computer, but in no way comprehended the magnitude of the moment, let alone the continued aftermath.

As the Israel-Hamas war ensued, and more information came to light, I felt guilty that I was not actually in Israel. I have Israeli friends who are my age that were called back to serve in the army. But as an American, I was not sure what I could do from the United States. It had also been quite a while since I had even been to Israel. 

My most recent connection to Israel was through my parents, who participated in Kesher 2.0. Kesher is a program supported by The Associated’s Baltimore-Ashkelon Partnership, designed for adults ages 45+ interested in establishing meaningful relationships and a greater understanding of their sense of Jewish peoplehood by building a living bridge between the partner cities of Baltimore and Ashkelon. When my parents first shared details of their experiences, I became jealous of the time they spent in Israel. Naturally, I wanted to return myself. Then, after the start of the war, it became even more important to me. 

Ethan Harrison

This is why I was so grateful to learn about volunteer missions such as the Onward Volunteer Program, an 8- or 14-day experience funded by Birthright Israel. I first learned about the opportunity from a message I received from The Associated as an alum of 4Front, the Baltimore Jewish Community’s comprehensive teen initiative, managed by the JCC and supported by The Associated, the Jim Joseph Foundation, the Joseph & Harvey Meyerhoff Family Charitable Funds and other local donors. In high school, I participated in the Baltimore Diller Teen Fellows program, as well as STAC (Students Taking Action for Change) program. Diller Teen Fellows is a year-long immersive global leadership program, that provides teens with the tools and guidance they need to experiment, collaborate and grow as leaders while exploring their Jewish identity. 

As part of Diller, the Israel trip was a particularly memorable experience for me, especially the time spent in our partner city, Ashkelon. In fact, every single one of my trips to Israel has included at least one day in Ashkelon. Whether to visit my own friends from Diller or on this most recent trip, getting to spend Shabbat with my parents’ new connections from Kesher, it always feels special to be a part of The Associated’s Baltimore-Ashkelon Partnership.

The volunteer work that was central to this Onward Volunteer experience was quite impactful. We woke up in the very early morning to pick fruits. First, we picked strawberries, and the owner of the strawberry field told us how meaningful it was to him to see people come all the way from America just to work in his field. He said that the strawberries that we were picking were packaged and sent to grocery stores around the country the same evening. Without us he would not have been able to deliver! 

Ethan Harrison

Second, we picked oranges in the south. The particular orange grove that we worked on was located on one of the kibbutzim that was attacked on October 7th. A man that lived there recounted his experience that day to us and we could still feel the lasting residual effect that the attacks had on these people. We could even see the bullet holes in nearby buildings. I was honored to be able to play just a small role in the ongoing recovery of Israel and I loved giving back to the land and the people of Israel.

Moreover, it was great to do it with so many other like-minded people from all over the world. On my trip, I met Jewish people from other parts of the United States, Canada, South Africa, England, and Russia who all stand with Israel. They all put their jobs or other responsibilities aside to work in Israel during this time of need. It was very comforting to meet them and to hear their stories of how they dealt with the events of the war in their own countries and cities. 

It was without a doubt an incredible and impactful week in Israel, and I strongly recommend anyone considering an opportunity like this to take it! Am Yisrael Chai! 

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