I am a proud Baltimore Onward Israel Alumna from the 2021 cohort. I had the amazing opportunity to travel to Israel through Onward and intern for Chimes, a non-profit organization that provides programming for mentally and physically disabled adults. Baltimore Onward Israel not only provided me with an amazing opportunity for professional growth through my meaningful internship placement but also allowed me to grow personally in my self-identity and connection to Judaism.
Baltimore Onward Israel was an eye-opening experience. I fell in love with the country while meeting the most amazing people, both in and out of the program. Over a year later, I am still in touch with some of my coworkers from Chimes, friends from my cohort, and staff at The Associated. These connections are the most meaningful part of the Onward experience, and also what connected me to the opportunity to travel to Israel again on a different program.
In June of 2022, I received an exciting text from one of The Associated staff explaining that there was a staffing position open for a program called Diller Teen Fellows. Itching for any chance to get back to Israel, I eagerly replied, interviewed, and accepted the position as second staff for Diller’s Israel Summer Seminar: a 3-week trip to Israel that culminates the cohort’s year-long commitment to Jewish leadership.
Serving as staff for Diller allowed me to connect to Israel in a different way than before. During Onward, I was able to soak up the country for the first time and personally connect to my Jewish roots. As staff for Diller, I was able to help facilitate that connection for my teens. Being a resource for them as they explored their own relationship to Israel was an extremely rewarding experience. I was able to pull from my own experiences of living in Tel Aviv, traveling to different parts of the country, and connecting with people from around the globe to provide insight to my cohort on how special the experience is.
Both Onward and Diller Teen Fellows put an emphasis on a vital part of my Judaism: community. Onward and Diller allowed me to meet Israelis, Americans, and other people from all around the world whom all share the same cultural values as I do. Between both visits, I met Jews from over 10 countries– a truly remarkable experience. Along with the global experience, I was able to create personal bonds with teens and families in our partner city of Ashkelon. Immersing myself in the lives of the people in Ashkelon through a Shabbaton in a family’s home during Onward and a week-long stay in Ashkelon during Diller, allowed me to build personal relationships with our partner city’s residents.
Both of these programs were instrumental in the development of my identity as a professional, a Zionist, and a Jew. I am extremely grateful for the opportunities that The Associated has provided me through both of these programs, and I look forward to my next trip to Israel, whenever that may be.
Applications for Baltimore Onward Israel Summer 2023 open November 7, 2022. Please visit onwardisrael.org/programs/baltimore to learn more.
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