A Baltimore City resident, Jodie Zisow-McClean was The Macks Center for Jewish Connection’s (formerly the Macks Center for Jewish Education) first LGBTQ Community Connector. Jodie and several other Community Connectors started their two year journey in September 2019, shortly before the COVID-19 pandemic severely limited the ability to hold in-person gatherings. Jodie looks back on her two years in this role — its ups, downs and the rewarding experience it provided her and her family.
At first, I was disappointed that my Connector years would be during an ongoing pandemic. Working around the clock, I spent hours in my day job figuring out how to teach 8th grade Spanish virtually, while also caring for our Miriam who was 3 at the time – daycare was closed. I did not have much energy to think about organizing events, either outside when the weather allowed and definitely not on zoom.
But while my experience was incredibly challenging, I think it was a blessing in surprise for not only my community members, but me as well. I’m very thankful for my community, LGBTQ and otherwise, who I got to meet and connect with. I’m thankful for the times I checked in with them and the times they checked in with me over these past years.
Most of the LGBTQ+ families that I connected with were already connected with the Jewish community – mostly through Hinenu: Baltimore’s social justice shtiebel (a center for Jewish gathering and prayer services). However, the Connector events (some of which I co-organized with Hinenu), provided much needed programming for many of us at times when everyone was constantly having to readjust and figure out the safest ways to gather.
While I did not throw any big events – our family has been covid cautious due to medical reasons – having smaller events gave me, and those in my group, something to look forward to as the seasons changed on our Jewish calendar.
As High Holiday times approached in 2021, I thought about finally building our own sukkah in our beautiful backyard in Northwest of Baltimore City. Having the funding and the drive to do another outdoor Connector event before winter began, I got a plan together, enlisted the help of a good friend who can build things, and together we set up a decent sukkah just in time for our outside gathering. The day of the event my family and I welcomed the many different families and neighbors who stopped by throughout the day to contribute decorating the sukkah. It was a very low risk way to get together and catch up with the parents and their kids in a more intimate setting.
I am grateful I was able to serve in this role at this time, and I hope I have helped other families as much as possible. I know my family has reaped so many benefits of staying more connected over these last two years and I am very thankful to [The Macks Center for Jewish Connections] for the opportunity.
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The Associated is a home for everyone in the Baltimore Jewish community. We offer several email lists to help people find a community, engage with their peers and support Jewish journeys around the world.
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