From Meet-Cute to Mazel Tov: Jesse and Jess’s Love Story

Jess and Jesse Elkin

Can each of you tell me a little bit about yourself?

Both of us are from Pikesville, Jess went to Park, then to Jacksonville University for college, where she stayed for an additional year to pursue her MBA in Marketing prior to coming home. She works at her family’s business, Highview Construction, where she manages renovation projects, helps with interior design and does business development.

Jesse went to Friends School then Emory University. He worked in Atlanta for over a year before moving back to Baltimore. Jesse leads M&A and corporate advisory engagements for businesses as an investment banker.

When did you get started with The Associated, and what involvement do you have?

It’s funny because both of our parents have been very active in The Associated our whole lives. The Jewish community in Baltimore has always been special to each of us. Jess recently finished YLC (Young Leadership Council) where she observed CHAI’s board and served on their Housing Planning and Development Committee and is active in the YAD (Young Adult Division). Jesse sits on the board of YAD and is currently serving as Ben-Gurion Society Chair.

What made you want to get involved with YAD?

When we both moved back to Baltimore – Jesse in 2018 and Jess in 2019 – we wanted to reconnect with the Jewish community after being away from it for so long. YAD seemed like a natural path for us to meet peers that were our age. We both got involved first with YAD’s Conversations Happening Around Town (CHAT) program.

Tell me the story of how you met and how your relationship blossomed.

We met through CHAT in 2019. We talked during the first session and connected almost instantly. About a week or two after CHAT ended, we started dating.

I heard you got married last year. Congrats! What are some of the biggest changes to your lives since getting married?

Thanks! We would say one of the biggest changes in our lives is starting to create our own traditions as a family. For example, this past summer we prioritized lighting the Shabbat candles every Friday night. Our Shabbat experience evolved into doing all the blessings, having deep and meaningful conversations over dinner and inviting friends over on occasion.

What are some of your favorite activities to do as a couple?

The two of us love spending time at home with our dog, exploring new restaurants, supporting our sports teams and traveling together.

What are your hopes for the future as a couple?

We want to continue creating a beautiful relationship and eventually a family. We also want to build a Jewish home that is warm and filled with love.

How do you support each other in your work with The Associated?

The two of us enjoy going to YAD and Associated events together.

Jess and Jesse Elkin

What is your favorite thing about each other?

Jesse: Jess is the kindest, most genuine person that I have ever met. She is honest and caring. She is at her core a good person.

Jess: Jesse is one of the most caring and thoughtful people you will ever meet. His passion is unmatched.


What is one thing that people may not know about your spouse?

Jesse: Jess was on the sailing team at JU. Her favorite place to be is on the water. She is also incredible when it comes to packing!

Jess: While Jesse is one of the most serious people I know he is also one of the goofiest. He is a human calculator too!

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