11 Things You Need to Know About Morgan Hurwitz

Morgan Hurwitz

Have you ever heard of a love story that took 10 years to unfold? Meet Baltimore native Morgan Hurwitz, whose relationship began with a few Facebook chats and went silent for a decade. Let’s dive into the incredible story of Morgan — a dentist who followed in her father’s footsteps and a committed volunteer with The Associated, who believes in giving back to society. 

1. Who in your life played an influential role in helping you become successful in your profession?

Ever since I was 6 years old, I knew I wanted to be a dentist. I knew because I would watch my dad every day and you could see how much he enjoyed his profession and I wanted the same for myself. He’s been such a big support system throughout all my years in school and post graduate training. I love being able to talk about cases together and even work together on some of them. He’s been my driving force and I strive to make him proud.

2. What inspired you to want to be a leader within the Associated system?

My mother-in-law is very involved within the Associated and has expressed to all of her children the importance of giving back to our community in any way that you can. She encouraged us to find which part of the Associated we connected with the most and start from there. She balances her growing family, zoom calls, meetings and more all while making it look seamless. She makes everyone she meets feel special and important and I am inspired to do the same. 

3. What is your favorite thing to do when you have free time?

Mike and I are lucky to have most of our family local, so whether it’s over a meal, by the pool, on the pickle/tennis courts or just taking a walk — we love to spend our free time with family!  We also enjoy taking trips to the beach or abroad and experiencing new and different cultures together. 

4. What challenges if any did you have to overcome?

My biggest challenge has been overcoming the mental hardships of infertility. I spent a long time setting and achieving my goals in life, so when it came time to my next goal of being a mom – it was out of my control and that was hard. Having a good support system is the key — I’m here if anyone needs someone to talk to!

5. What advice would you give to your younger self?

Keep going… It’s all worth it!!

6. What advice would you give someone who wants to be in your role?

I’d say… work hard, get involved, ask questions and give it your all.

7. How did you get involved in young adults?

I started in Young Leadership Council (YLC) and that led me to YAD

8. What was it like growing up in Jewish Baltimore?

I loved my childhood and I’m still incredibly close with my friends from growing up. I really don’t have much else to compare it to except for my dad growing up in a town in Connecticut and he used to tell us how lucky we were to be surrounded by so many Jewish people because he didn’t have that. 

9) If you could choose one food to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Wow this is an insanely hard question. I think I’d have to go with the short rib entree with horseradish mashed potatoes from the Food Market in Hampden.

10. How did you meet your husband?

In high school, I worked at a hair salon as the front desk/shampoo person… One Saturday, I caught a glimpse of Mike walking out the door and he overheard me telling my coworker that I thought he was hot! He turned around and smiled. We had a little Facebook messaging going on after that, but then radio silence. After a 10 year hiatus, I moved back to Baltimore after doing some schooling in LA and went into the same hair salon to get a cut. I asked one of the hair stylists if he had any Jewish boys to set me up with … and it was Mike! We went on one date and knew that was it.

11. What is your guilty pleasure?

I have a sweet tooth and I love Hershey kisses!

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