Be a part of the Inspired Women’s Project (IWP). You will take a spiritual journey with 20 women and discover what inspires us as women to lead, to give and to take action. You will come together for monthly sessions and discuss personal growth, spirituality, Israel engagement and philanthropy, all through a female lens. You will also travel together on a uniquely female-focused trip to Israel, deepening your bond to the Jewish homeland.
IWP features include:
The Inspired Women’s Project (IWP) program fee is $1,800 non-refundable and inclusive of a highly subsidized trip to Israel (excluding airfare and U.S. airport transfers).
IWP is an application-based program. A leadership level gift of $1,000 to The Associated is requested.
To learn more, contact Daniela Levine at or 410-369-9317.
IWP is made possible, in part, with generous support from the Jane Krieger Schapiro Family Foundation, a supporting foundation of The Associated.
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