Leadership is sharing time and talent. It’s creating new programs and developing strategic plans. It’s recognizing current issues and needs, while addressing future challenges. However you define leadership, you can find your path at Na’aleh: The Hub for Leadership Learning.
Providing community-wide leadership training opportunities for professionals and volunteers, the Hub offers specialized workshops and programs for your development, facilitated sessions designed for your organizational needs and one-on-one consultations to support your succession and growth.
The Hub brings together and builds upon our three successful programs – ACHARAI: The Shoshana S. Cardin Jewish Learning Institute (ACHARAI), The Darrell D. Friedman Institute for Professional Development (DFI) and The Associated’s Center for Community Engagement and Leadership (CCEL).
Embark on a transformational journey that will help you, your board, your organization and all of Jewish Baltimore.
Questions? Contact Elayna Tell at etell@naalehbaltimore.org or call 410-843-7560.
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