Recognizing Donor Loyalty,
Leadership and Legacy

Every gift to The Associated matters because every gift changes a life for the better. Our giving societies are one way that we express our gratitude and appreciation towards our most generous donors.

Household Recognition Levels

Prime Minister’s Council: $100,000+

Major Gifts: $75,000+

King David Society: $25,000+

Joshua Society: $10,000+

Keynote: $1,000+

Ben-Gurion Society (ages 22-45): $1,000+

Individual Giving Societies

Solomon Society (men): $10,000+

Lion of Judah (women): $6,000+

Gefen (young adults): $2500+

Livnot (real estate professionals): $1,800+

Pomegranate Society (women): $1,800+

Cardozo Society (legal professionals): $1,000+

Maimonides Society (health care professionals): $1,000+

Circle of Giving: Donors who have supported The Associated for 25 years or more

Tamid Society: Donors who make monthly gifts

Endowment Recognition

Harry Greenstein Legacy Society: Honoring those who left a legacy gift through bequests or other permanent gifts

Annual Campaign Endowment (ACE): Donors who support the mission of The Associated in perpetuity

Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE): Women who support the mission of The Associated with a gift of $6,000 or more to The Associated in perpetuity

To learn more about our giving recognition, contact Michelle Ostroff at or call 410-369-9231.

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