b'Amy*HELPING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE VICTIMS ESCAPE UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS There were red flags from the beginningturned to CHANA for help. of Amys relationship with her now ex-partner, but the beginning of theCHANA arranged safe housing in COVID-19 pandemic marked theanother city prior to her trial for turning point when their cohabitationa final protective order, as well became untenable. We were togetheras transportation and housing in [nearly] 24 hours a day, and it was like aBaltimore for the trial.pressure cooker, Amy recalls. They said I could reach out any time. As the months went on, Amys partnersThey also arranged for me to have emotional instability grew, and histrauma counseling. Im on the more abuse escalated from emotional andsecular side of Judaism but working financial to physical. Amy knew she hadwith a Jewish agency made me feel to move out. comfortable, especially when I saw that they served Jews across the religious Yet, the pandemic left her unemployed,spectrum. They even offered to help money was tight, and safe shelterme find a Zoom High Holiday service! options had dwindled as the severityCHANA does a great job providing a of COVID-19 became clearer. Whilewelcoming and safe space. petitioning for a protective order, she*Not her real name or photo.'