b'In Israel and Around The WorldThis year, our world was tested by global disaster, financial collapse and conflict. Like weve done inthe past, we worked with our overseas partnersthe American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) and World Ortto help Jewish communities from Latin America to Europe andAsia survive. Together, we responded to this public health crisis by providing food and funds so families could pay their bills. We distributed medical equipment and offered telemedicine support to Indias overburdened hospitals. And our AMEN teen volunteers, funded by our Baltimore-Ashkelon Partnership, handed out food to those who were hungry. In May, rockets fired from Gaza hit our partner city, Ashkelon.Sigal ArielyAs our friends spent hours seeking safety in undergroundBEING THERE IN TIMES OF CRISIS shelters, we reached out, providing mattresses, air conditioning and friendship to make life more comfortable.For Sigal Ariely, helping provide At home, our relationship with Israel was deepened throughemergency relief and aid to people our Insight Israel Forum. Although the borders may haveand families in Ashkelon has been closed to travel, many Baltimoreans visited Israel virtuallyan important part of what shes by e-adventure, exploring the land and meeting Israelis.done for the past 16 years. As Others heard from world-renowned experts, engaging indirector of the Baltimore-Ashkelon conversations about the complexities of Israeli politics,Partnership, Sigal works closely the Boycott Divestment Sanctions Movement on collegewith The Associated, the Jewish campuses and more.Agency for Israel (JAFI) and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) to distribute immediate relief to individuals and families in need.I just couldnt believe how loved Never in her life, did she imagine and fortunate I felt to be part ofthat she would be a recipient. this amazing community.On May 20, 2021, a rocket fired'