b'Jill Grimm BRINGING HOLOCAUST EDUCATION TO THE BROADER COMMUNITY If there was one silver lining insurvivors went to schoolplayed teaching virtually, says Jill Grimm,sportsthen everything changed it was that she finally had time tofor them. Our students could relate participate in the Winter Teachersto their experiences and empathize Institute, a Holocaust workshopwith what was happening. presented by the Jewish Museum of Maryland (JMM) and the BaltimoreAfterward, students engaged Jewish Council (BJC).in deeper conversations about oppression, abuse of power and For this Crofton Middle Schoolwhat happens when people arent history chair and teacher, it gave valued or feel safe.her new insight into how to teach this subject.The Institute also highlighted the JMMs website, rich with artifacts, This years workshop focused on therecipes, drawings and more. As Jill children of the Holocaust. Grimmdelved into it, she decided to use the decided to invite survivors who werematerials to expand her Holocaust young at the time to speak virtuallycurriculum from two days to a week. to students. As people rewrite history and saySometimes its hard to get kids tothe Holocaust never happened, its care about history, but when theyimportant we teach about it and see real people, its powerful. Thesehave these conversations, she says.'