b'The Associated maintains community investments through the Associated Jewish Charities, a nonprofit entity that manages the Jewish Community Investment Fund (JCIF), a diverse investment fund for stewarding The Associateds endowments, foundations and donor advised funds, as well as investments of numerous organizations and foundations throughout Baltimore. Again, this collective strategy empowers the totality of our Baltimore Jewish community to access world-class investment options for our present and future.Community Assets Under Management*Unrestricted Endowments$31,834,410Planned Gifts$13,150,634 Annual Campaign Endowments (ACE)$31,795,030Associated Programs, Agencies and Designated EndowmentsSupport Foundations $191,498,721$265,925,127 $1,022,764,356**Managed for Other Organizations$254,229,499Donor Advised Funds(including synagogue and day school $234,330,935endowments and Baltimore area nonprofits who share a strategic relationship with the Jewish community)*As of June 30, 2021 ** Of the $1.023 billion in total assets under management, $755.2 million belongs to The Associated and its agencies in endowments, donor advised funds and supporting foundations which provide significant support to The Associated,its agencies and programs, as shown on the chart on the right.'