b'We Were There for Our Jewish OrganizationsThroughout our history, The AssociatedAnd we consulted with area synagogues, has been a convener of Jewish organizationsday schools and other Jewish organizations through good times and bad, ensuring that weto connect them with banks and qualified collaboratively respond to challenging timesconsultants so they were successful in theand the needs of our community. That wasPPP process. never more apparent than this past year during the COVID-19 pandemic.At the same time, as community conveners, our commitment to the entire Jewish community When faced with massive shutdowns andremained strong. Throughout the difficult a dramatic change to how The Associatedmonths, we hosted numerous briefings for network functioned, we took a proactiveorganizational leaders that provided critical approach to the complex Paycheck Protectioninformation on the pandemics legal, economic Program (PPP) offered by the U.S. governmentand health impact.to ensure that The Associated and eligible agencies were able to take advantage ofWhen the COVID-19 vaccine was finally this funding lifeline. Our teams across Theavailable, The Associated partnered with the Associated network worked together toBaltimore City Health Department to provide navigate the PPP loan process to applyeducation about the vaccine and to coordinate for funding and to eventually secure loanclinics throughout the community bringing forgivenessa much-needed safety net toJewish Baltimore closer to a safe and healthy keep our network whole during the crisis.recovery from this vicious pandemic.'