b'This year, we made incredible strides in preserving the future of our Jewish community. From the beginning, Associated donors contributed $3 million to our COVID Response Emergency Campaign, funding the unexpected needs experienced as a result of the pandemic. Their generosity ensured that we addressed food insecurity, mental health resources, domestic violence and much more. These funds also enabled us to secure a $600,000 matching grant from our national partners at the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) to further leverage funding our mission. We also continued to plan for our future, successfully securing hundreds of commitments toward our Life and Legacy program. This program demonstrates the dedication of our volunteers and professionals who wish to leave an endowment gift to The Associated. By meeting our goal, we received a matching grant of an additional $100,000 from the Harold Greenspoon Foundation, the founder of the Life and Legacy Program. These new endowment commitments will ensure that The Associated will be there for our community for generations to come.In addition, 44 Baltimore-based businesses participated in our Corporate Sponsorship program contributing approximately $500,000 to advance The Associateds mission.Finally, our communitys investment in donor advised funds and in supporting foundations brought in close to $60 million in new dollars to The Associatedmoney that over the years will be used to address many of our communitys challenges.'