b'Marcia Glickman CONNECTING OLDER ADULTS TO VACCINES When the pandemic began last year, life got scaryFederal Retail Pharmacy Program for COVID-19 for Marcia Glickman. Worried about COVID-19, shevaccinations, the agency set up clinics in theirbegan limiting her social interactions and alteringsenior housing communities. While friends routines, drastically changing her way of life towho lived elsewhere spent weeks searching prevent contracting the virus.for appointments and lining up transportation, Marcia quickly signed up to get the vaccine right So naturally, this Weinberg Village resident wasdownstairs in her own building. thrilled when a vaccine was approved for those over 65. Marcia remembers rushing to her computerI was so pleased I didnt have to scramble for a ride, to schedule an appointment only to discovershe says.time after time, that nothing was available. It was disappointing, to say the least.Now that shes fully vaccinated, Marcia has returned to a new normal. I appreciate it every day! Then, CHAI came to the rescue. Working with the'