b'Alexa GrossmanHELPING BALTIMORE CITY RESIDENTS ESCAPE LONELINESS Last fall, when Alexa Grossman was looking to fulfill her community service hours, she knew she didnt merely want to check a box. If she was going to volunteer, she was going to make an impact. Thats why she reached out to Jewish Volunteer Connection (JVC). After speaking with Alexa, JVC curated a customized listof opportunities that fit her goals. From there, they connected her to Baltimore Neighbors Network. Every Sunday, from January to June, Alexa called 10 older adults living in Baltimore City, helping them alleviate the loneliness ofthe pandemic, ensuring they were doingfine and providing resources to make their lives better.One time, an older woman needed food, and Alexa directed her to a nearby food pantry. Another time, a woman was desperate for a vaccination and couldnt find one. Alexa mentioned it in her report to her supervisors at the Baltimore Neighbors Network and the next week, she was vaccinated. These people were lonely. For some, I was the only person they spoke to all week. When we talked, they told me they felt heardthat someone cared about them. Alexa credits JVC for understanding her.They made it easy to do something thatreally mattered.'