b'cmyk-ads_Associated Jewish Charities Ad 20221/26/223:24 PMPage 1BROWN ADVISORY IS PROUD TO SUPPORTTHE ASSOCIATED:JEWISH FEDERATIONOF BALTIMORE elped by our suppliers and ourH Associates, we have striven to pro-vide the highest level of service to thecommunities we serve during this pastyear, a time of unprecedented chal-lenges for the supermarket industry. Kleins ShopRites of Maryland and theKlein family continue to uphold our mission: to care deeply about people,helping them to eat well and be happy.We wish all a happier and healthy future for many years to come.Aberdeen Festival atBel Air Jacksonville949 Beards Hill Road 5 Bel Air South Parkway 14330 Jarrettsville PikeBrown Advisory is an independent investment firm(410) 272-3100 (410) 569-0939 (410) 666-3500Pharmacy: (410) 272-3101 Pharmacy: (410) 512-8373 Pharmacy: (410) 666-1700committed to delivering a combination of first-class Bel Air North Main St. Forest Hill Parkville223 N. Main Street 2101 Rock Spring Road Parkway Crossing Shop. Ctr.performance, strategic advice and the highest level(410) 838-4130 (410) 420-8220 (410) 668-1170of client service. Pharmacy: (410) 638-0600 Pharmacy: (410) 838-8880 Pharmacy: (410) 668-0980Cardiff Howard Park Riverside1606 Dooley Road 4601 Liberty Heights Avenue 1321 Riverside Parkway(410) 452-5980 (410) 664-0240 (410) 272-3900Pharmacy: (410) 452-9799 Pharmacy: (410) 367-1850 Pharmacy: (410) 272-1810www.brownadvisory.com We honor the memory of Andy Klein and Howard Klein.'