b'TERRI L. WEISBORDWhat Year Did You Move to Baltimore? September 2020 Why Did You Move to Baltimore? We moved to Maryland because of my husbands job. They asked him to move to their corporate office in Owings Mills. Where Are You Originally From? Littleton, Colorado What Were Your First Impressions When You Got Here? When I knew we were moving, I did some research and unfortunately, it didnt help my nerves. Thankfully, when I got here, I saw how beautiful and wonderful of a place it is. Downtown is beautiful, the county is beautiful, and I love that Im close to Gettysburg, D.C. and more. Favorite Parts of Baltimore? I am blown away bythe community, particularly the Jewish community.The infrastructure is amazing, especially comparedto where I came from. Its really wonderful to knowall these services are available, and the communityis supporting each other. Its heartwarming. How Did The Associated Help You Find Your Place Here? It helped me in several ways. I was so new;I hadnt been to anything yet. It was helpful learning through The Associated all the things that were available.That led me to Chapter Two where Ive met the most beautiful group of women. I have a new set of wonderful friends and I think thats so special. Everyone is so welcoming and warm and inviting, and it helps mefeel like Baltimore is my home. Chapter Two is a 10-month program, part of Associated Women, where you will explore Jewish Baltimores sights and institutions and re-imagine your connection to our community. Learn more at associated.org.24 SHALOM BALTIMORE'