b'RONNIE KLEINFELDT &BARBARA ZAKHEIMWhat Year Did You Move to Baltimore? 2019 Why Did You Move to Baltimore? We lived in Israel for a couple of years then decided to be closer to family. We were living in Silver Spring when we found out we were about to have a couple more grandchildren, so we decided to move to Baltimore to be even closer. Where Are You Originally From?Ronnie grew up in Memphis TN, and Barbara grewup in London, England.What Were Your First Impressions When YouGot Here? We only knew a few people when we moved here, but it was quite easy to start meeting new people. Favorite Parts of Baltimore? We love the Park Heights area. That is where we tend to hang out a lot. How Did The Associated Help You Find Your Place Here? We heard about various programs through our Shul (synagogue), Beth Tfiloh Congregation. I (Ronnie) started swimming six daysa week at the two JCCs in Park Heights and Owings Mills. We started getting involved and volunteering at several organizations. Through The Associated, we got involved with the Baltimore-Ashkelon Partnership.I (Ronnie) also used to be a Big Brother backwhen we lived in the D.C. area. I was fortunate thatI could continue that involvement when I connected with Jewish Community Services here in Baltimore. Things were on hold because of COVID-19, and I look forward to continuing as things open back up.Go to associated.org to learn aboutthe many ways to find your place here.26 SHALOM BALTIMORE'