b'ANNIE GROSSBERG AND JACOB HODESWhat Year Did You Move to Baltimore?friends who include us in their celebrationsWe moved to Baltimore in June 2009. We livedand happy occasions. They are like family. Wedowntown for four years before moving toare fortunate to work at wonderful institutions Pikesville in the fall of 2013.that care about the city and the health ofits inhabitants. Why Did You Move to Baltimore? We movedIts hard to go anywhere without seeing because Annie was matched for her dermatologypeople we know, which brings a good levelresidency in Baltimore, even though we didntof comfort. know anyone in the area. How Did The Associated Help You FindWhere Were You Originally From? Annie grewYour Place Here? As outsiders, weve been up in St. Louis, Missouri, and Jacob grew up inhumbled by the support and care we received. Los Angeles, California.The Associated has been a major part of helping What Were Your First Impressions When You us build our community. Within the first few Got Here? We thought wed be in Baltimoremonths, we were introduced to others by for three years, before moving elsewhere. Butpeople active with The Associated. We attended we both went to work at places that care aboutsome IMPACT and REIG (Real Estate Industry the future of BaltimoreAnnie began herGroup) events early on. But I would say that dermatology residency at University of Maryland,we benefited from the network holisticallybefore joining the faculty at Johns Hopkins, andeverything we did and that we continue to do, Jacob started working at Brown Advisory. WeThe Associated is there, a constant presence and have been the beneficiaries of the generositydriving force to bringing people together. The from wonderful people ever since.backbone/foundation of our network. Jacob went on an Israel mission with overFavorite Parts of Baltimore? We couldnt be20 similar peoplehe calls it the dads mission happier with our move to Baltimore. We love who will forever be connected by that trip. being in a city with a small-town feel. Our kids areThe network, wonderful causes and support HUGE Ravens and Orioles fans. We have amazinghave helped make Baltimore our home.associated.org 25'