b'Sara: A New Perspective on Judaism Sara Silverman grew up with a solid Jewish background. But she will never forget how being a Diller Teen Fellow, a program run through 4Front at the JCC, strengthened her Jewish identity.Whether through meaningful conversations with Baltimore teens of varying Jewish backgrounds or through her week in Ashkelon with Israeli peers, Sara realized that learning and growing Jewishly is an ongoing journey that will last a lifetime. While participating in Dillers International Shabbat in Israel, having lunch with Jewish teens from around the world, she recalls that Singing Shabbat songs together made me understand that although we lived in different countries and cities, we are all Jewspart of a larger community that shares a common bond, traditions and history.It was a defining moment for me. Leading the Way in the Jewish Environmental Education Movement Pearlstone merged with Hazon, the largest faith-based environmental organization in the world, reinforcing its position as a national leader in the Jewish outdoor food, farming and environmental education movement. Through its work, Pearlstone provides novel approaches of integrating Jewish wisdom with the earth.'