b'Here For GoodThis was a year filled with hope,Ukrainian citizens and refugees, recovery and challenges. However,along with supporting Israel and no one could have predicted thatJews throughout the world. COVID-19 cases would continueto soar, mental health concernsThis was a year when the world would grow and Russia wouldbegan to gather in-person once invade Ukraine.again, and we were Here for Good, providing opportunities for us Despite the many obstacles to connect. Whether through The Associated faced, we remainedJewish camp that sparked the steadfast in our commitment to ourimaginations of our children, community. This past year, throughfitness or arts programs that built our collective network of agencies,community among our older overseas partners and communityadults or experiences that inspired organizationsincluding dayconversations across generations, schools and synagogueswewe embraced the chance to gather, have been Here for Good.make friends and combat the loneliness of the past two years.We helped many Baltimoreans overcome their struggles, investingThrough these pages, we share in programs that tackled mentalhow you, our generous donors, health, domestic abuse, risinghave helped us change lives. rent and more. We engaged ourYour contributions to our Annual next generation in Jewish life byCampaign have been the driving creating a welcoming environmentforce, allowing us to accomplish so for all who wished to participate.much for so many. Thanks to you We protected our communityand our corporate sponsors, we will through investments in security.remain Here for Good now and for And we supported our globalgenerations to come.communities in times of crisis, providing humanitarian aid for Beth H. GoldsmithYehuda Neuberger Marc B. Terrill Associated Chair of theAssociated Chair of thePresident, The AssociatedBoard (FY22) Board (FY23)'