b'Supporting Jewish Communities WorldwideBEYOND UKRAINE, we remainedemployment training to ensure social and committed to the health of Jewisheconomic success in their new homes. communities worldwide, working in more than 70 countries. Through our globalIn Baltimore, we continued to engage in partners, we supported at-risk Jews bymeaningful programming to connect us providing financial assistance, food andto Israel and the global Jewish community medicine and invested in Jewish life.through the Insight Israel Forum and our six shinshinim (Israeli emisaries). And although This year, we helped many Jews makewe remained virtual, our Baltimore-Ashkelon aliyah to Israel. This included fulfilling thePartnership flourished as we fostered lifelong dreams of Ethiopian Jews as we flewfriendships with and provided assistancethem to Israel and reunited them with theirto at-risk Ashkelonian residents. families. Through the work of our partners, we provided new immigrants with services such as Hebrew language classes and 14,800youth and youngOver80,000older JewishThrough the Baltimore-adults engaged withadults in the former SovietAshkelon Partnership,Israel campus educators,Union received life-saving7,786 teensfrom our shlichim and shinshinim aid from The Associatedpartner city participated inthroughout Baltimore through our partnershipa wide range of programs this past year, building with the Americanto help them succeed, from a closer connection with Jewish Joint Distributionleadership development to our Jewish homeland. Committee.educational enrichmentPhoto Credit: Ramin Mazur for theor therapy.The Jewish Agency for Israel'