b'EMPLOYEEBENEFITSYoure the bene\x1fts superhero. Were your secret weapon.For the most part, all brokers are paid the same, yet the services and expertise you get can vary signi\x1fcantly. We \x1fnd that many brokers are light in the realms of strategic consultation, cost containment strategies, compliance oversight and alleviation of administrative burden. Our seasoned pros can provide you with a single source solution for all your employee bene\x1fts needs by working as an extension of your HR team. REGULATORY COMPLIANCEEvolving healthcare legislation requires continuous bene\x1fts plan compliance oversight, whichmay be overwhelming for your organization. Take a deep breathwe can help. PRESCRIPTIVE ANALYTICS AND CLINICAL MANAGEMENTFeeling out of control with ine\x1eective measures for healthcare cost management? Ourmethodology gets more of your high-risk and emerging-risk employees proactively engaged withpopulation health management for improved healthcare outcomes for your employees and theirfamilies and a corresponding reduction in claims. EMPLOYEE ADVOCACYMany brokers push o\x1e employee issues to the carrier or HR team. Not PSA! All employees andtheir dependents have access to our in-house Client Advocate Team of trained bene\x1fts specialists. CUSTOMIZED EMPLOYEE COMMUNICATIONSDont let confusing or poorly crafted communicationsdetract from the hard work you put into buildingan awesome bene\x1fts plan. We build customcommunications to make your plan shine and help youremployees feel informed and con\x1fdent in their bene\x1ft I love to elections. help people.INTEGRATED FULL\x1dCYCLE WORKFORCE MANAGEMENT PSA provides SOLUTIONS me with the One solution for all your workforce management needs. best resources Say good bye to paper and redundant work and say hello to do so.to a single, streamlined and integrated system.Todd Lehman HR CONSULTING SERVICESOur HR consulting experts and resources are here to easeyour administrative burden, so that you can focus ongrowing your company quickly and a\x1eordably.www.psa\x1fnancial.com Todd Lehman 410.773.4140 tlehman@psa\x1fnancial.com'