b'Authorized by Nancy Greene, ChairmanLegacies of Cheers To Excellence100 Years!W ED L I K E T O G I V E A W A R M C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S T O T H E A S S O C I A T E D O N T H I S M O N U M E N T A L O C C A S I O N . To look forward, one needs to understandthe past. To this day, the law firm of Miles & Stockbridge continues to build on its well-earnedA T C A P I T A L F U N D I N G G R O U P A N D C F G B A N K ,reputation in both the industry and the community, while also leaning toward the bold, embracing W E T A K E A D I F F E R E N T A P P R O A C H T O L E N D I N G .innovation and navigating the risks and opportunitiesW E M A K E I T P E R S O N A L A G A I N . of the fast-evolving 21 stcentury business world.Our lawyers from diverse backgrounds work hard to provide representation that embodies big firm sophistication delivered with the personal touchof a small firm culture. The firm is pleased to honor The Associatedon their own legacy over the last 100 years as the cornerstone of a dynamic communitythat strengthens and nurtures Jewish life by To learn more about our suite of services engaging and supporting neighboring partnersvisit CapFundInc.com or TheCFGBank.com here in Greater Baltimore and the world beyond.to chat with a member of our team. And we look forward to the next 100 years.mslaw.comCAPITAL FUNDING, LLC AND CAPITAL FINANCE, LLC ARE WHOLLY-OWNED SUBSIDIARIES OF CFG BANK. MEMBER FINRA/SIPC'