b'LS1031 BEACH KIDS FINAL_Layout 12/26/202110:17 AMPage 11969The AJC and the Jewish Welfare Fund of Baltimore merged, becoming The Associated:Jewish Community Federationof Baltimore.Concord House, a 231-unit residence for low-income seniors opened, one of the first facilities built for low-income seniors. 1978The JCC opened in Owings Mills. with the Womens Division establishing 1980 CHANA, the only Baltimore Jewish organization to address domestic violence.The Baltimore Jewish Council dedicated the Holocaust MemorialTHE FIGHT FOR FREEDOMin downtown Baltimore.The Associated moved to itsLet my people go became the rallying current headquarters at 101 Westcry for Soviet Jews from the 1970s to Mt. Royal Avenue. early 1990s. As they faced increasingin 2008, Jewish Community Services discrimination, The Associated advocatedprovided millions in financial assistance 1987 for their release. to help families meet basic needs and On Sunday, December 6,In 1971, between 1,200 and 1,500prevent foreclosure.250,000 gathered on the Mall inBaltimoreans marched from Mt. VernonAnd, this past year, when the pandemic Washington, D.C. to advocate for the release of Soviet Jews.Place to Hopkins to protest the treatmentforced business closures and brought of Soviet Jews. This march would behardship to many, The Associated quickly 1995 replicated in a big way on Decemberpivoted to address the communitys CHANA was established by the6, 1987, when an estimated 250,000financial and mental wellbeing. At the Womens Division as a Jewishparticipants gathered on the National Mallsame time, it continued its efforts to response to domestic abuse.in Washington, D.C. in solidarity of Sovietbridge the gap between ethnic, racial and 2008 Jews. The Associated provided funds soreligious groups (see page 32) and build The economic downtownthousands of Baltimoreans could attend.strong neighborhoods (see page 12).from the Great Recession hit the community hard. JewishA NEW CENTURY Learn more at associated.org. Community Services disbursedAs the world changed, The Associated millions in financial assistance.stayed true to its mission of helping others. 2018 In fact, following the stock market crash The shooting at the Tree of LifeFor 100 years, in innumerable ways, The Associated has made a profound differenceSynagogue in Pittsburgh broughtin the lives of people throughout our community.As a proud supporter of The Associated,antisemitism in this country to thethe Len Stoler Family congratulates you on reaching this milestone of extraordinary service.forefront. The Associated held an Antisemitism Summit and created an Antisemitism Task Force to address this issue.2020The Associated celebrated 100 years of helping the community.In March, the pandemic hit andOwings Mills: Lexus, Ford, Hyundai, Porsche The Associated and its agenciesWestminster: Chevrolet, Jeep, Chrysler, Dodge, RAMtackled critical needs in Baltimore, like food insecurity and mentalTowson: Lexus| New York: Toyota, Mercedes Benzand financial wellbeing.P R E S E N T28 associated.org|CENTENNIAL'