b'W hy Th e As so ciate d? Connecting ThroughOur Platformslocal. engaged. influential.The Associated amplifies its reach in the community, connecting our partners through robust multimedia platforms. Advertisements in Print and DigitalYour companys sponsorship is a direct marketingBaltimore Magazine, Baltimore Style, JMore, Jewish Times channel to the 93,000 Jewish residents of theand more. Our donors areGreater Baltimore community. The Associated connects your ideal audience. your business to affluent, educated, influencers whoEmailslead businesses and institutions that hold buying power. Have an average open rate of 30%, which is 10% above industry standards. 10% click through rates, which is 30% above industry standards.Social Media Followershighly educated: E MARRIED:Average 15,000+ and growing everyday. 65%O S TG R A D U AT E70% HOUSEHOLDINCOMESocial Media Impressions* Last Year: 1,296,605PD E G R E E26%O L L E G E $ 2 0 5 , 0 0 0 *Number of times our content was displayed to usersCD E G R EWebsite16,800 unique monthly visitors, with an average time on site of 2 minutes.Live and work in Direct Mailthe Baltimore areas DEEPLYINVESTEDINOURMISSION:Over 100,000 pieces will be delivered in the next year.C A prominent neighborhoods: R ,30% DONATE $1000 In-Person & Virtual Events N T O N , F E D E R A L H I L L , I N N E R H A R B OH U N T V A L L E Y, M T . W A S H I N G T O N ,OR MORE TOO W I N G S M I L L S , P I K E S V I L L E ,THE ASSOCIATED(Most Associated events will remain virtual until circumstances allow us to R E I S T E R S T O W N , R O L A N D PA R K ,resume traditional in-person gatherings)R U X T O N A N D T O W S O N .40+ events with influencersGenerous with their time:88% HAVE VOLUNTEERED IN THE PAST YEAR3 4'